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Two heads are better then one
26 January 2021

Sustainable wellness is at the core of the LHM lifestyle, and one of the things that we are always mindful of is how and from where we source the ingredients for our carefully-curated menus. As part of this, we have recently started collaborating with the team at Little Spoon Farm, a local, sustainable initiative.

Sharing their deep knowledge of regenerative farming, they have helped set up our beautiful organic Wellness Garden, advising which plants, herbs and fruit we should grow to make the most of our natural resources, from the type of soil to the local weather systems. Our team has also been trained on how to tend and maintain the garden for long-term sustainability.

You can now have a stroll and find a selection of organically-grown fruit and vegetables such as mango, papaya, red banana and water spinach, as well as fragrant herbs including basil, thyme, ginger, turmeric, galangal and Japanese ginseng. And naturally we use these in all of our dining and wellness offerings, from our breakfast menu to our nutritious smoothies in The Spa.

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