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Meet Ibu Dayu
09 March 2020

Meet Ibu Dayu …

the longest serving restaurant Captain at The Restaurant and find out about her favourite dish, the one thing she’d change and where she’d take her family on holiday if money were no object. 

You have been here for 20 years.

What has encouraged you to stay with us for all this time? The resort is amazing with wonderful views on Seminyak Beach. The management is great and takes care of us as associates very well. I love interacting with people, which is what I do on a day to day basis as a waitress. 

What made you choose the path working in a restaurant?

I’ve wanted to work in the service industry. As I mentioned, I love interacting with guests, serving them, making sure they are having a great time. I’m passionate about serving the best for guest experience. I’ve tried working in banks before, but it was not for me! 

Why do you think The Restaurant has so many return guests?

We treat them personally. We know what they like, what they don’t like. We treat them as family. It gives a wow factor for guests to know that we care for them so much and want to deliver the best. We make them feel like The Legian is their second home. 

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Talking with guests and getting to know them. 

What is your favourite item on the menu?

The snapper curry is always a favourite! I always recommend this to guest and they always love it. Asian food at its finest. 

Do you like to cook yourself?

I do cook simple dishes for my family when I have the time. My family loves when I make them traditional fried tempe and tofu with chili and soy sauce, with a side of white rice of course. But sometimes when I’m lazy, I get takeaways. Ha!

Tell us a bit about your family.

I’m married with three kids. My husband is also a hotelier, working in Front Office at another hotel in Seminyak. I met him when I was a trainee at that hotel, it’s funny to think now we have 3 kids together. My first two children are currently in school to become hoteliers as well. I guess our family has a thing for hotels! 

How do you balance your time between family and work?

Managing your time well and keeping to that schedule. Weekends and off days are family quality time for sure. 

How do you spend your holidays?

Head to the movies or stay at home and just enjoying time together with the family. 

What are your plans after retiring?

Open my own guest house near where I live. That’s the dream. 

If you had a spare IDR 100 million where would you and your family go on holiday?

I’ve never been overseas! I would love to have a family trip around Asia – Bangkok, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, India.

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