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Keep fit and healthy on your travels
09 March 2020

Are you full of good intentions but worried you’ll fall off the wagon on holiday? Our in-house Functional Medicine Nutritionist, Karin G. Reiter, shares her top tips on keeping fit and eating well on your travels.

Snacks to pack for the plane:

  • Homemade wraps (such as paleo wraps) or sandwiches filled with hummus, avocado, pesto and vegetables are a good idea. 
  • Avoid aluminium foil (think of those x-ray machines) and instead wrap in greaseproof paper, or place in a reusable container 
  • Individual, raw, nut butter packets with fresh fruit (banana or apple) or brown rice cakes 
  • Homemade popcorn 
  • Homemade kale chips 
  • Apple chips or freeze-dried fruit 
  • Homemade trail mix (mix raw seeds and nuts with organic raisins and goji berries and a few raw cacao nibs) 
  • Homemade quinoa salad, cauliflower rice 
  • Veggie sticks 
  • Grilled chicken strips

Tips for keeping healthy while on the road 

  • Eat before you leave the house to avoid arriving hungry at the airport 
  • Drink a lot of water; it’s easy to get dehydrated and constipated when travelling 
  • Avoid drinking coffee at the airport and instead opt for a fresh vegetable juice. Drinking caffeinated beverages on or before a flight could prevent you from relaxing on the plane. In addition, it can mess with your insulin levels and cause you to overeat. 
  • Avoid alcohol before and during the flight. Alcoholic beverages are dehydrating and have double the effect in the air, and you don’t want to arrive feeling poorly. If you need to relax, try some all-natural melatonin to help you sleep, and listen to some soothing music. 
  • Before you leave at the end of a holiday, request a healthy take-away from the hotel to keep you going on the flight.

Making healthy choices at mealtimes: 

  • Breakfast is the easiest meal to eat healthily. Studies suggest that willpower is highest in the morning, so take advantage and opt for eggs or smoked salmon for a protein-rich breakfast with brain-boosting fats such as avocado, plus plenty of antioxidants from tropical fruit. Fuel yourself with green juices or a fresh coconut water (the best hydration for the body).

  • Lazing by the pool post-massage calls for a snack. Instead of munching your way through a plate of fries, try the delicious Indonesian satays and fresh rice paper rolls. 
  • Quinoa salads and fresh vegetable salads are great vegetarian options. 
  • Hydration is key; aim for two to three litres of water a day. Our team is constantly filling up water glasses, and a range of complimentary, delicious teas is available in Wellness by The Legian.

  • You’re in good hands: our chef has a passion for fresh food cooked with the highest quality ingredients, minimising sugar and avoiding anything artificial. Opt for light dishes such as chilled soups, steamed fish and vegetables.

Karin G. Reiter has been working as a functional medicine and culinary nutritionist for 13 years. As a LHM’s Functional Medicine Nutritionist, Karin thoughtfully curates all menus and recipes throughout all properties, helping guests maintain a healthy and balanced eating lifestyle while on holiday. LHM offers a holistic approach to nutrition, where healthy, delicious food is a natural part of what we do.

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